Reviens, chat!

Cat hides under the couch.

Reviens, chat! Joue avec moi.

Cat leaps up and hangs off the curtains.

Assieds-toi dans le panier.

Reste là!

Cat sits in her basket. She is grumpy.

Reviens, chat! C’est beaucoup trop haut.

Cat sneaks out the back door.

Reviens, chat! Ne va pas dehors.

Cat runs outside and chases butterflies.

Cat pulls a sock off the washline and unravels the thread.

Reviens, chat! Ce n’est pas à toi.

Cat finds a snail in the dirt. The sock thread is wound around her tail.

Reviens, chat! Qu’est-ce que tu as trouvé?

Cat encounters a chicken. Cat now has thread around her tail and the snail on her back.

Reviens, chat! Ce n’est pas ton ami!

Chicken feathers float around Cat's head. She still has the thread around her tail and the snail on her back.

Salut, chat! Te revoilà?

Cat lies in her basket looking satisfied.

Reste dans ton panier. C’est l’heure de la sieste maintenant.

Cat's basket is empty except for a few feathers.


Cat sleeps peacefully on the couch with the feathers, thread and snail.