Little Sock and the Tiny Creatures

Little Sock is in the laundry basket with the other socks.

It’s wash day for the Socks.

Little Sock falls out the basket. He falls far away from the other socks.

OH NO! Little Sock falls out!

“I have to get home,” says Little Sock.

Little Sock asks the toys how to get home.

“Do you know the way home?” asks Little Sock.

Robot hands him a cracker. Little Sock drives off in the toy car with the cracker on the back seat.

“No, but take this,” says the Robot.

Little Sock pokes his head into a mouse hole. Mouse is at his table playing Poker.

“Do you know the way home?” asks Little Sock.

Mouse hands Little Sock a cracker.

“No, but take this,” says the Mouse.

Outide Mouse's house, Little Sock meets a spider. Its web is filled with buttons.

“Do you know the way home?” asks Little Sock.

Spider hands Little Sock a blue marble from a collection by his web. The marble rolls away.

“No, but take… OOPS!!!”

The marble continues to roll away.

“Maybe the marble knows the way home,” says Little Sock.

The marble stops rolling by a chest of drawers.

“It does!” says Little Sock.

Little Sock sits in the drawer with the other socks.

Little Sock is happy.

Different socks have different personalities, so pick your favourite.



• a sock

• two buttons

• a needle and thread

• a grown-up to help


Ask your grown-up to sew the buttons onto the sock.