Istayile sika Rafiki

Rafiki watches soccer on TV with his aunt and uncle. The soccer player wears a red and yellow soccer shirt. His hair is stripey like a zebra.

Nge Cawa, u-Jimmy Zogba wafaka inqaku lempumelelo.

Rafiki wears his usual white shirt. The Cool Cat Crew wear red and yellow soccer shirts and zebra hairstyles.

Ngomvulo, Iqela labasebenzi be Cool Cat liye landolosa.

One of the Cool Cat Crew points to his zebra hair. Rafiki looks glum.

“Hey, Rafiki, ziphi iinwele zakho zeqwarha? Iinwele zakho ziqhelekile, ngokungathi awukhathali.”

Another member of the Cool Cat Crew shows Rafiki the fake tatoo of a soccer ball on his arm.

“Hey, Rafiki, iphi itattoo yakho yenkohliso? Ulusu lwakho luyadinisa. Nawe ngokunjalo.”

The third member of the gang points to his gold teeth. Rafiki touches his own teeth.

“Hey, Rafiki, maphi amazinyo egolide akho? Amazinyo akho ayaxengaxenga, yiyo lonto.”

Rafiki walks on the pavement, head hung low.

Ngalo olosuku, u-Rafiki wahamba ngokucothayo ukuya ekhaya.

Rafiki's aunt prepares to cut his hair.

“Makazi, ungandicheba iinwele zeqwarha?”

“Andinako ukukucheba iinwele zeqwarha. Ngokwenene, andisoze ndibenaso isibindi.”

Rafiki's sister sits and draws. Rafiki asks her to draw him a tattoo.

“Ulusu lwam luyadinisa kakhulu, Sisi. Ungayenza itattoo yenkohliso?”

“Awuyifuni enye ekhangeleka njengawe.”

Rafiki talks to his uncle while his uncle fixes a car.

“Tat’omkhulu, ndiyanqwenela ukubanamazinyo egolide athile.”

“Amazinyo egolide, mntwana wam, awathethi nto.”

Rafiki watches soccer on TV with his aunt and uncle. The soccer player wears a white shirt and his hair is shaved like Rafiki's.

Kwimpela veki elandelayo, u-Santi Ramires wafaka inqaku lempumelelo.

Rafiki wears his usual white shirt. The Cool Cat Crew wear white soccer shirts. Their hair is now shaved.

Ngo Mvulo, Iqela labasebenzi be Cool Cat liye landolosa.

“Hey, Rafiki! Ukhangeleka kakuhle!”

Rafiki stands with his aunt and uncle and sister. He shrugs.

U- Rafiki unyikinya amagxa. “Ndikhangeleka njengam; esi stayile sesam.”