Tortoise finds his home

Tortoise passes Snail in the veld.

One day Tortoise was walking through the veld.

He was searching and searching. He gazed into the distance and squinted at the grass.

“Are you looking for something?” Snail asked.

“Yes, I’m looking for my house. Have you seen it?”

Snail travels on Tortoise's back.

“No, I haven’t, but I’ll help you look!”

She climbed onto Tortoise’s shell. Tortoise walked on with Snail on his back.

They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house.

Sparrow perches on a branch. Tortoise and Snail pass him.

“Are you looking for something?” asked Sparrow.

“Yes, we’re looking for Tortoise’s house. Have you seen it?”

“No, I haven’t, but I’ll help you look!”

Snail sits on Tortoise's back. Sparrow flies ahead of them. There is a ladybird on a dandelion in the distance.

Sparrow flapped his wings and he whizzed away.

“You’re going too fast!” called Tortoise.

“Alright, then I’ll hop on too.”

Tortoise walked on with Snail and Sparrow perched on his shell. They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house.

Ladybird sits on a dandelion stem. Tortoise, Snail and Sparrow pass him.

“Are you looking for something?” asked Ladybird.

“Yes, we’re looking for Tortoise’s house. Have you seen it?”

Snail, Sparrow and Ladybird travel on Snail's back.

“No, I haven’t, but I’ll help you look!”

Ladybird hopped onto Tortoise’s shell. Tortoise walked on with Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird sitting on his back.

They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house.

A breeze started to blow.

The animals find Mouse. He is making a daisy chain.

“Are you looking for something?” asked Mouse.

“Yes, Mouse, I’m looking for my house. Have you seen it?”

“No, I haven’t, but I’ll help you look!”

Mouse climbs on Tortoise's back with the others. The wind blows the leaves and the daisy chain.

Mouse jumped onto Tortoise’s back.

Tortoise walked on with Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird and Mouse on his back.

They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house.

The wind swept the leaves off the ground and swirled them around Tortoise.

Tortoise walks with Mouse, Snail, Sparrow and Ladybird on his back.

The wind got stronger and stronger. The sky turned dark.

“Oh, where is my house?” Tortoise sighed.

Thunder roared in the hills. Lightning flashed in the distance. Drip, drip came the rain.

“Oh, where is Tortoise’s house?” asked Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird and Mouse.

The wind gets stronger. The rain threatens. The animals all fly off Tortoise's back.

The wind whirled and whipped and blew Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird and Mouse right off Tortoise’s back.

The hail comes down. Tortoise curls up in his shell. The other animals stand nearby.

“Eek!” squeaked Tortoise with a fright, and he shrank back into his shell.

It was warm and cosy inside.

“Oh, here is my house!”

Mouse, Ladybird, Snail and Sparrow take shelter underneath Tortoise's shell.

“Oh, here is Tortoise’s house!”