What is it?

A group of strange-looking animals spot a grey blob in the distance.

What is it?

The animal that looks like a mixture of a crocodile and an elephant asks: "What is it?"

What is it? It hasn’t got a trunk. It’s not like me.

The animal that looks like a mixture of a monkey and a rat asks: "What is it?"

What is it? It hasn’t got a tail. It’s not like me.

The animal that looks like a mixture of an owl and a sheep asks: "What is it?"

What is it? Ugh! Where are its feathers? It’s not like me.

A mother and baby buck with claws ask: "What is it?"

What is it? Look at those tiny feet. It’s not like us.

The crocodile-elephant asks: "Do you think it's dangerous?"

Do you think it’s dangerous?

The monkey-rat asks: "Do you think it wants to eat us?"

Do you think it wants to eat us?

The grey blob sneezes.

Achoo! Achoo!

All of the animals open their eyes wide in fear.

Aargh! Eek! Run!

The animals run away. A  baby human crawls towards them. The grey blob is her shadow.

It’s chasing us!

The baby buck walks towards the baby human.

Be careful. Come back.

The baby buck and the baby human rub their noses together in greeting.

What is it?

It’s a baby, just like me!